

The 美国专业地质学家协会 (AIPG), founded in 1963, is the 最大的致力于促进地质学专业发展的协会. 目前有 美国有超过7800名会员.S. ,分为36个区域科. The Institute adheres to the principles of professional responsibility and public service and is the only international organization that certifies the competence and ethical conduct of geological scientists in all branches of the science with members 在工业、政府和学术界工作的. AIPG强调能力、诚信 和道德. AIPG is an advocate for the profession and communicates regularly to federal and state legislators and agencies on matters pertaining to the geosciences.




第一节. This Chapter shall be known as the Robert Lessard Memorial Student Chapter 美国专业地质学家协会的主席. 一章可为邻章服务 校园.)


第一节. 其目标应是在其成员中促进持续的专业 growth in the areas of geology and to encourage professional responsibility that includes ethical, social, economic, and safety considerations, with the added focus of helping 学生可以在该行业就业.

Article III - Conformity with 美国专业地质学家协会

第一节. 本章的管理应始终符合本章程的规定 of Incorporation and Bylaws 美国专业地质学家协会的主席.


第一节. 任何被认可的四年制大学或学院录取的学生 enrolled in a geological or geoscience course or those interested in geosciences field 有资格成为会员. 会议对所有学生、校友、专业人士、 还有那些愿意参加的人.

第二节. 只要会员保持良好信誉,会员资格将继续保持 包括所有欠款的支付.

第三节. The Chapter Sponsor and the 教师 Sponsor(s) shall be ex-officio members 本章的内容.


第一节. Annual Chapter dues of $0 shall be payable at the beginning of each administrative (学术). 分会会费与交纳的会费是分开的 该研究所.

第二节. A member in arrears one term shall lose voting privilege and, if in arrears 一年,会员资格.

第三节. The Chapter shall have the right to levy special assessments by a two-thirds 任何定期会议的全体出席者投票.


第一节. 管理人员应由主席、副主席、秘书和董事组成 财务主管.

第二节. Not less than two months prior to the last regular 会议 of each administrative 一年, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee to select a slate of candidates, 每个办公室不超过两个.

第三节. 管理人员的任期为一年,由股东大会定期会议选举产生 the Chapter not later than one month prior to the last regular 会议 of each school 一年. The administrative 一年 shall coincide with the academic 一年, commencing with 八月的秋季学期.  因此当选的每个官员应亲自接受 选举并宣誓履行职务.

第四节. 在行政年度内出现的空缺,应按年度补足 在下次例会上进行选举.

第五节. 被提名人必须是附属机构或会员,才有资格当选 of 美国专业地质学家协会 and a member 本章的内容.

第六节. 选举应以多数票通过(1).e.(超过51%) 现在.

第七节. At the time of each annual election, there shall be identified to the Chapter, the AIPG Member appointed by the Section President, who shall act as Chapter Sponsor, 给军官们提供灵感和建议.


第一节. The President shall preside at all Chapter and Chapter Executive Committee 会议s, render the prescribed Chapter requirement of an Annual Report to AIPG headquarters, 并承担本章程未授权的所有行政职责.

第二节. 主席不在时或应主席的要求,由副主席主持会议 the President and shall automatically succeed to the Presidency in case of vacancy.  The Vice President shall also be responsible for transporting refreshments to 会议s.

第三节. 秘书应保存分会和理事会的所有会议的记录 分会执行委员会的正式会议记录. 即将离任的秘书须 fulfill the Chapter requirements of reporting the election of new officers to AIPG 总部和科长,并应担任图书管理员. 秘书 shall preside during the absence of both the President and Vice-President.

第四节. 财务主管在分会发起人的监督下工作 the Section 财务主管, shall handle and account for all funds, paying out funds only 经会长或分会执行委员会批准. 在结束时 the 一年, the 财务主管 shall submit a report with cash balance to the Chapter Executive Committee for audit and approval, and deliver all records and moneys to the incoming 财务主管.

第五节. The Chapter Sponsor shall advise the officers and membership and re现在 the Chapter at 美国专业地质学家协会 Section Meetings as regularly 尽可能. He/she shall encourage all Chapter members to attend Section and National 尽可能召开会议.

第六节. The 教师 Sponsor(s) shall serve as liaison between the Chapter and the faculty of the host institution, and shall advise the officers and membership.


第一节. 执行委员会 consists of the elected officers, plus the Sponsor, 本章的内容. 它在学年和其他时间每月定期开会 由主席或委员会法定人数召集的时间. 法定人数 由简单多数组成,是开展业务所必需的. 执行委员会 conducts the business 本章的内容, acts on periodic reports from the Secretary, 财务主管, and Committee Chairmen, and is responsible to the Section, 该研究所 以及大多数分会成员的意愿. 执行委员会必须 approve the Annual Reports of the President, Secretary, and 财务主管 before they 被派到科和研究所.

第二节. All 会议s of the Executive Committee shall be open to the Chapter members.


第一节. 该分会的官员,包括作为顾问的分会发起人, shall constitute the Executive Committee, charged with the responsibility of a successful 一年的计划.

第二节. 主席作为执行委员会主席,应任命: with the approval of the Executive Committee, the personnel of the standing committees.

第三节. 常设委员会包括:

a)   Program Committee - to arrange and be responsible for 会议s, speeches, and 论文提出了.


(c)   Membership Development Committee - to promote local and national membership 并鼓励非会员参与分会的活动.

(d)  Publicity Committee - to bring the Chapter and its activities, including all 会议s, to the attention of members, potential members, the school and the press 以及其他可能感兴趣的人.

院长为常务委员会的咨询委员. 委员会 shall be directly responsible to the Executive Committee, which shall have the power to change the personnel of the standing committees, and to appoint special or ad hoc 必要时的委员会.


第一节. 分会定期会议的时间由大会决定 beginning of each semester by the Executive Committee, which may also call a special 随时开会.


第一节. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members, provided notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given in writing at the last regular 会议.

第二节. 对本章程的修改必须得到美国协会的批准 专业地质学家科和全国执行委员会.